Assistant Professor
Entrepreneurship & Strategy
Eccles School of Business
University of Utah
David Eccles School of Business
1655 East Campus Center Drive
Salt Lake City, Utah
CV | Google Scholar | Faculty Profile
2023 Academy of Management Technology and Innovation Management Emerging Scholar Award winner (see presentation here)Research Interests
I study innovation, entrepreneurship, and corporate strategy. I'm interested in how established firms and new ventures access the resources necessary to commercialize new technologies, how firms construct and implement innovation strategies, and the relationship between innovation and performance. My research is quantitative and typically focuses on the medical device, pharmaceutical, and energy industries.
Recent Publications
"Corporate proximity and product market reentry: The role of corporate headquarters in business unit response to product failure," with Cheonmok (John) Kim and John Joseph, 2023, Academy of Management Journal, 66 (4), 1209-1232. (pre-print version)
"Killer Acquisitions," with Song Ma and Florian Ederer, 2021, Journal of Political Economy, 129 (3) 649-702. (pre-print version)
- Jerry S. Cohen Award for Antitrust Scholarship 2022, American Antitrust Institute
- Robert F. Lanzillotti Prize for the Best Paper in Antitrust Economics 2020, IIOC
- Charles River Associates Award for the Best Paper on Corporate Finance 2018, WFA
- Mark A. Satterthwaite Award for Outstanding Research in Healthcare Markets 2018
- Sumantra Ghoshal Research and Practice Award 2018, AOM Strategic Management Division
"The limits of relational governance: sales force strategies in the US medical device industry," with Aaron (Ronnie) Chatterji and John Joseph, 2019, Strategic Management Journal, 40 (1) 55-78. (pre-print version)
Papers Under Review
"Inventive capabilities in the division of innovative labor," with Ashish Arora and Wes Cohen, 2018 NBER working paper.
"Where does novelty pay: the role of geographic market thickness in the financing of technologically novel US medical device startups."
- AOM Strategic Management Division Best Dissertation Finalist 2019
- Kauffman Dissertation Fellowship 2017/18
"Those who can, search: Regulatory stringency and external R&D investment in the U.S Electricity Industry," with Nilanjana Dutt.
"Keeping invention confidential," with Aldona Kapačinskaitė.